Care for your clothes

A little effort and common sense in laundering can extend the life of a garment.

Proper handling and cleaning will have the following benefits:
• The useful life of garments will be extended, making your money go farther
• Garments will maintain a fresh appearance longer
• Minimized colour fading
• Reduced damaged to the garment from laundering

Sort your clothes before washing
Sort your garments by colours – Whites, Medium colours, Dark colours
It is common that lighter coloured garments can pick up dyes from darker ones.

Wash heavily soiled, dirty, items separately from slightly soiled items.
This will help prevent fading and keep colors brighter.

General Stain Removal Guidelines
Treat stains promptly
Fresh stains are easier to remove than old ones. The longer you wait the more time the stain has to soak in and/or dry, making it more difficult to remove. If the stain is on a non-washable fabric, take it to the dry cleaner as soon as possible, and describe the nature of the stain and the fiber content of the garment.

Lift or gently scrap off any excess material from the fabric.
Use a cloth or a towel to gently blot and soak up any liquid on your garment’s stain.
Do not rub! Rubbing may spread the stain and cause it to penetrate deeper into the fabric and even damage the fabric.

Follow the instructions on any presoak, prewash or stain removers.

If stains are not entirely removed after washing, try rewashing the item.
Do not allow the item to dry, do not iron stained garments or putting it in the dryer as this can set the stain for good.

Avoid using hot water during stain removal process that you are not familiar with as hot water can set stains. For instance, to treat blood stains, simply soak the garment in cold water for 20 to 30 minutes before using some detergent on the stained fabric.

Lastly, have patience; it takes a little extra time and effort to remove some stains. Remember, some stains cannot be removed.

General Washing Guidelines
1) Use a laundry bag to prevent stretching of garments.

2) Check the label for proper care instructions
E.g.: the water temperature and wash cycle to use.

For new garments, it is advisable to test for any colour runs before using mild detergent during washing.

3) Do not overload the washing machine.
If the washing machine is too full, the clothes would not get enough agitation, and may not get clean. This may also cause some of the detergent not be dissolved, leaving globs of detergent paste on fabric.

Make sure the items are equally distributed around the tub of the washer to keep the load balanced during spinning cycles. Overloading can also result in excessive wrinkled garments.

Shrinkage after washing
Shrinkage can occur in items made from any fiber content, and can also occur in leather. Shrinkage may result from improper stabilization of the fabric or from improper laundry cleaning procedures.

Very important tip
Always check the pockets of all garments before washing. The stains and damage which can result from one hidden lipstick or pen goes beyond words!

General Drying Guidelines
For drying garments in Singapore, it is advisable to wash and hang your garments inside out to minimized colour fading due to sunshine.

General Ironing Guidelines
Use the washing tips to reduce the amount of wrinkles from laundering.
Keep the iron board cover and iron clean to avoid soiling the cleaned garments during ironing.
Always read the care label for setting the right iron’s temperature and proper ironing procedure.
Do not iron garments which are dirty or stained as heat will set the stains.
Circular knits and sweaters should be laid flat to dry. This will keep the garments in its original shape and size as drying them upright will cause such garments to stretch.